We are having a book fair! Go to this ink and you can put money in an account for your student to spend at the book fair. It is called eWallet, The book fair will be available during school hours and at parent-teacher conferences.
Come and join us for some spooky fun!
Here is the next issue brought to you by Bristol Stevens!
Here is our first newsletter of the year! Brought to you by Claire Hancock and Bristol Stevens!
CAA PTA will be holding its first PTA meeting! All are welcome to attend!
Please join us tomorrow evening!
There will not be a bus 6 run tomorrow, 9/7 for the morning or afternoon runs. There will be a route on Friday for the morning and afternoon.
Here is the final What's Happening at CMS? Have a great summer!
What's Happening at CMS? https://5il.co/1w6qv
Come and see the art created by our 5th - 8th grade students!
Here is what is happening at CMS! https://5il.co/1vnec
Here is the next edition of What's Happening at CMS? Week of 5-29-23 https://5il.co/1v6wo
Here is your next What's Happening at CMS? Week of 5-15-23: https://5il.co/1u8qo
The FMRSD Athletic Leadership Committee is hosting an informational meeting on May 17th; 6pm in the high school auditorium to share, and receive, information regarding the possibility of Regional Fall Mountain Middle School sports teams. The concept is for students from our three middle schools to play together prior to attending FMRHS. The structure would be:
Boys Soccer - 3 teams
Girls Soccer - 3 teams
Girls Volleyball - 3 teams
Boys Basketball - 3 teams
Girls Basketball - 3 teams
Boys Baseball - 3 teams
Girls Softball - 3 teams
Spirit Team - 3 teams
The Leadership Committee supports this idea with the understanding that regional teams will provide a better structure for middle school students to interact as team members with peers from throughout the five towns that form our school district.
The committee welcomes feedback from parents/guardians and students specific to this idea. If you are unable to attend, please direct your thoughts, or questions, to Mr. Dansereau at: gdansereau@sau60.org
Semi Formal this Friday! CMS grades 6-8!
Saturday, May 20th marks the return of the District Dash 5K Fun Run & Walk! This fundraiser for the Fall Mountain Educational Endowment Association will once again take place on the beautiful campus and cross-country trails of Fall Mountain Regional High School. The course consists of two loops on the cross-country trails and part of the high school access road and is suitable for all levels.
Before the main event, there will be a kid’s fun run around the track for the 10-and-under crowd, with finisher medals for all participants. Kids are welcome to accompany their parent or guardian on the actual race, as well.
Prizes will be awarded to the top finishers in different age categories. In past years, prizes have included beautiful handmade cutting boards from the FM woodshop, generous gift cards to local businesses, and FM apparel.
Pre-registration is available now through www.fmeea.com. Prices are as follows:
Adults: $22
Students: $18
Teams of 4 or more: $17/person
Children under the age of 11: FREE!
The first 50 paid registrations receive a free, high-quality District Dash T-Shirt!
We would love to see participants from each school in the district, maybe even some friendly competition between teams! Think Team Math vs Team English, middle school administrators vs elementary school administrators, even teachers vs students! How about friendly competition between local businesses?
100% of the proceeds from this event go directly back into the Fall Mountain Regional School District in the form of grants to fund field trips, classroom activities, and presentations that are not covered in the regular operating budget.
If you or your business are interested in becoming a sponsor, or if you are interested in volunteering the day of the event, please send an email to fmeeassoc@gmail.com. There are several different sponsorship options with different perks, including free registrations!
We hope to see you on May 20th!
There is a schedule change for tomorrow's games:
Original Game 5/9
CMS @ Sunapee 4:30 start times
NEW Game 5/9
Sunapee @ CMS 4:30 start times
What's Happening at CMS-Week of 5-8-23?
The informational meeting to discuss the pros/cons of future middle school regional athletic teams has been postponed at this time. We will be in contact with a rescheduled date sometime in the next few weeks. We want to make sure everyone has a better understanding of the purpose of the meeting prior to it occurring.
Here is the agenda from last night's CAA Restructuring Q & A.